Category Archives: Ham radio
Result of the evening
Did the first soldering on the softrock last night. So far so good (i think) But trouble ahead. Now i have to solder a tiny tiny smd voltage regulator. Have never dealed with smd or such small components before. Have … Continue reading
Have had the soldering iron running today. First time for months. Had to burn the dust of it. Have built the indoor unit for a antenna remote switch. Converted an old data switch for com-ports. It can handle up to … Continue reading
More pics from the DX-pedition to Öland
Here is a link to some more pics from the trip to Öland yesterday. The antenna we used was a home made 2 el beam,´They call these Jungle job. The elements are made from fishing poles and then a wire … Continue reading
Evening picture
Evening picture from the portable operation. Worked some euopeans and some dx and enjoying the scenery.
Antenna up
We are on location. Have built the antenna here on site. Swr not to bad and vu2dk coming in 55. Now we will start to call and see if we get some contacts.
Mini DX-pedition
Tomorrow me and Ronny SM7RRF will go to Öland Island EU-037 and work some radio. Nothing exotic but a small portable operation from the cliffs just above the water. will be qrv on 40-20-17. Will post more info and pics … Continue reading
New computer for the remote op
Doing some work in the radio room. Long time since I did something useful here. And long time since I worked radio. The new job takes a lot of time and since I live away during the weeks the family … Continue reading
Receiver and oscillator working together
Yipii.. I finished building the oscillator board tonight. And then it was time to connect it to the receiver board and antenna for the first time. Power on and nothing heard. checking oscillator with the scope.. flat.. nothing. Hm.. moved … Continue reading
Rig is moving on
2 boards almost finished. I still have some touch up to do. Sorry for the dark picture but used the Iphone cam
Antenna work brings DX
Have gotten some problems with my old HF6V vertical during the winter. oxide and corrosion and stuff. Spent some time yesterday solving the worst things and bringing back to resonance. First QSO made was 4S7NE on 30m, gave my call … Continue reading