Monthly Archives: February 2011
Does not work
Somehow some of these wires are in the wrong hole. I have to unsolder, measue and resolder. its the connections to the ring diode mixer seen from the bottom.
Smoke test
Have done first smoketest on receiver. Worked ok. No smoke. But on the other hand no signals either. Completely dead. Troubleshooting starts tonight.
Wire mess
I thought I had the plan clear in my head. first 6 wires was easy. or so I thought. Realized when I started with the other six I was wrong. On this pic only a few are connected and the … Continue reading
Results of the evening
Had to start all over again with the receiver. Had the wrong version of PCB layout. A bit easier with the new one. More room for the coils in the ring diode mixer. Started with a new card and new … Continue reading
Oscillator oscillating
Have it working from 3.45 to 3.55 MHz. Needs some adjusting.
New story added
Have added a story I wrote about the light house activity 2010. Unfortunately only in swedish
Test setup
The test setup of the oscillator starts to take form. Smoke test tomorrow.
How I spent my evening
We are building our own 80m trancievers at the radio club. Yesterday I spent the evening twisting cable and winding the torroids for the ring diode mixer in the receiver.